Monday, September 28, 2009

RPattz in UK 'AnOther Man' Magazine - October Edition.

Rob will be on the new magazine called 'AnOther Man'. From the very little information they reveal, the interview seems like is going to be interesting.

“AnOther Man speaks to the ‘other’ man, a man not being catered to currently by fashion magazines. AnOther Man mixes credible modern icons with art, music, high impact fashion photography and strong opinionated writing by key cultural voices. A magazine for men who like their lifestyle rocked with passion and intelligence, luxury and a sense of adventure.”

Editor In Chief, Jefferson Hack

Here is an excerpt from the Robert Pattinson feature written by Dave Calhoun.

Was Pattinson aware of the loyalty of fans of the Twilight books? It looks like the sort of obsessive fandom that can turn into anger and even hatred when an adaptation isn’t to their liking. Did he know what he was letting himself in for? “It’s strange because even though the figures show that the books were successful and sold millions of copies, you couldn’t even buy them in London. I tried a couple of bookshops and they weren’t available. Hardly anyone I knew had read them apart from one girl, a friend of my sister. I had no idea at all. I’d seen Kristen Stewart in Into the Wild and some of the director Catherine Hardwicke’s other films, and that’s all I thought it was, something really small.”

His manner is very laid back. He doesn’t sound thrusting or ambitious, more like he’s just going with the flow and enjoying things. Is he going to harness his newfound fame and box-office appeal to approach the kind of filmmakers he wants to work with in the future? He’s not so sure. “Annoyingly, there are so few parts I feel I can add anything to, or that I want to do.” But he knows what he doesn’t need. “I don’t want to be an actor for the sake of it. I don’t find any particular pleasure in being an attention-seeker.” ... read rest of article here
 I've read in many interviews that Rob didn't know how big "Twilight" really was before he took on the role of "Edward Cullen"...he has revealed his expectations were that the film was another indy movie, so my question has always been; If Rob would have know how big and phenomenal this series really was, would he have taken the role of "Edward Cullen"? I have a feeling he wouldn't have...he just said he is not an attention seeker, and nothing brings more attention to the screen (or magazines) than "Edward Cullen". But then again, this role did lead him to something he probably does want and would have never gotten if he wouldn't have been "Edward Cullen"...what that might be? I'll say that once Rob reveals all his little secrets.

In the mean time, I hope someone scans this magazine once it hits the stands, I can't wait to read the interview.

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