I had a lot free time today to think about many things. Some were mundane, others were a little stressful since my life lately has been filled with stress...but being the responsible woman that I am, I didn't want to deal with the stress and just concentrated on mundane stuff...(yes, very, very responsible of me).
One of the things that came to mind were the Cullens. Why? Because they are awesome and I love'em all! (yes, including Rosalie). The Twilight Saga are pretty much my escape medicine from stuff that might send me over the edge, so I read the books a lot, and since I read today the filming dates of 'Eclipse' were released, I started thinking about films in general...Films that were Twilight related anyway.
Its no news that 'Breaking Dawn' is going to be made a film, but for some reason the Saga doesn't stop there. Stephenie Meyer had started writing Midnight Sun - Edward's Point of View of Twilight..but because of bad decisions of irresponsible people, Mrs. Meyer put a halt to that project indefinitely. However, she gave a tiny taste of her writing by releasing on her website the first twelve chapters of the unfinished novel. Based on those chapters, I'm thinking is going to be great! (Hopefully she decides to lift the punishment she placed upon her innocent fans and finish that book!) Anyone who loves Edward will fall in love with that new vision of Twilight...(and we all know how many Team Edward are out there). So yes, the novel will be loved, but what if it was made a movie? Will that be loved as well? (Thinking the book will be finished).
I pondered on that question a lot, and I concluded with a 'no'. There's just no mystery there anymore. If Midnight Sun is ever made a film, it will be with the resolution of remaking Twilight, and call me crazy, I just don't think many people will be happy about that. Maybe some fans would get euphoric about the idea of Twilight being remade, no matter how repetitive it might be, but there aren't that many out there with those same sentiments to make the movie a complete success. Or maybe there is...I really couldn't say for a fact, it's an assumption of mine, I'll take a worldwide poll later to find out the real number...In the mean time, lets get to my point...
What I'm trying to get at, is that I was thinking of a WHOLE NEW movie. Its still based on the Saga, but Stephenie Meyer didn't write it as a whole novel, she told it in pieces. I'm talking about on HOW the Cullens came to be.
Each Cullen member has a interesting story on how they became a vampire and eventually came together as a family (not coven). If you've read the books, than you know those stories, and if you're like me, you've found them pretty darn interesting as well.
Just think about Carlisle and his beginning...It took place in the 1600s..In his time, there were hunters who persecuted witches, werewolves, vampires..(that should be interesting to see in film). Think about how he was created and how he adopted his new way of existence. Think about how he ended in Italy with the VOLTURI! (I would love to see more of them).
What about Edward and his story. We already saw a tiny bit how he was created in the film of Twilight. But how cool it would be to see him in his rebellious years when he was a REAL vamp..The dark predator, the indestructible merciless god who gave HIS type of punishment to those who had a dark soul. How about to see how he was BEFORE he went to forks where his existence will forever be changed?
How amazing will it be too see ALL of the Cullens stories connecting in one big film; Rosalie's, Emmett's, Jasper's, Esme's, and precious little Alice! Can you just imagine? This will actually be a completely DIFFERENT VAMPIRE movie!! And you know what the best part of this film will be? (not to be mean) but there will be no Bella!
Now, now, don't get me wrong, I love book Bella, is just movie Bella I kind of have a problem with, but that's besides the point. What I'm saying is that it would be great to create a completely vampire movie solely on the Cullens.
Stephenie Meyer broke a lot of vampire rules, and some people don't seem to understand that. I like HER vision of vampires. See, in her vision, the vampires are on TOP of the food chain. The only who can destroy them are their own species or werewolves. Not a slayer, not garlic, not sun, not cross, NONE of that silly stuff...Just hardcore marble skin vamps, and behemoth angry dogs can ever destroy to pieces such a bloodcurdling creature. Oh, and I can't forget the fact that she got rid off the FANGS! Love it! She created razor sharp venomous teeth..Now THATS a vampire I love! You know why? Because every time I see fangs, it made me laugh or I rolled my eyes...I just thought it was too silly, as if trying really hard to scare me...yeah, sorry, it didn't work for me.
So seeing Stephenie's vision of vampires will be amazing on film. Of course it will be great if the production delivers the story the way it should be. They will have to forget that Stephenie's novels were targeted to teenagers. For some reason thinking that teenagers will see the film makes them hold back on how much darkness should be unleashed, they don't want to send out the wrong message to the poor little darlings. Oh give me a break! Some people have to give more credit to teenagers..Most of them are more intelligent than a ton of "adults" that I know. But anyway, back to the movie idea.
While I was thinking of all this through, I came to stumble with one tiny problem...(just in case Summit reads this and says..."wow, great idea...lets' get to work on it")...Will the main actors work on a fifth Twilight movie? And when I say "main" I'm really thinking of ONE in particular....You can guess who, right?
Oh RPattz...such a desirable talented man with a very difficult life when it comes to the spot light, will HE come back to the fifth movie? I would think yes if they give him a very well written script. BUT, this is linked to Twilight, and well, as much as he might love the story, (As a lot of us do) I just don't think he likes what Twilight brings out of certain people. Twilight is not only linked to a great characters, but also to chaos. Will he want to get contracted to THAT again? Hm, yes, IF by that time he has better handle on his fame, if not, than no..he will run so fast that we'll only see his beanie hat flying in the air.
But lets say that everything goes great..Summit likes the idea, and all the main actors of the Cullens agree to come back. Would you like "Cullens - The Beginning" ...(or maybe just "Cullens")...to be made?......Ok, fine!....Forget about the title .... just think about the story ... would it be great to see it on the big screen? ....Or do you think I should stop thinking about silly things and concentrate on my stress and fix my real problems? Well, you let me know...